Tag Archives: mappy

Bandai Namco remix LP now up for preorder

Bandai Namco Entertainment have announced that they will be releasing a series of music releases titled Asobi no Oto. The first in the series will be Volume 0, which is now up for preorder.

There’s some contradiction between the tracklists from the announcement and the store pages, but the following games should at least be represented alongside a few others: Wonder Momo, Pac-Man, Xevious, New Rally-X, Genpei Tōma Den, Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan Daijiten, Taiko no Tatsujin, Muscle March, and Pac-Mania.

The release will be a single LP on black vinyl. It will be housed in a regular LP jacket with new Pac-Man artwork. It will also include a digital download code.

It is priced at $30/¥3500 and is scheduled to release in March, 2020. It can be preordered from Tokyo Otaku Mode here for international orders or the Asobi Store here for Japanese orders.

Asobi no Oto Vol. 0 - Front

Spacelab9 is releasing a new Namco arcade music compilation

Spacelab9 have been teasing this release in their newsletters for some time and today a listing for it appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

The release will have music and sounds from the following Namco arcade titles: Pac-Man, Galaga, New Rally X, Mappy, Xevious, Dig Dug, Bosconian, Gaplus, Dragon Buster, The Tower of Druaga, Sky Kid, The Return of Ishtar, Rolling Thunder, and Splatterhouse.

It will be a single LP on “pixel explosion” clear vinyl with multicolor splatter.  The release is housed inside a regular LP jacket and comes with a booklet detailing the games represented on the album.

It is priced at $35 and can be ordered from ThinkGeek here now. As mentioned earlier, this listing appeared suddenly and without a word from Spacelab9 so it’s currently unclear whether there will be other color variants later on.

UPDATE: Spacelab9 have now sent out a newsletter detailing 2 exclusive variants. They will have a “Pac-Man” yellow and clear variant and a “Galaga” grey and black split variant. Both will be limited to 200 copies each with 150 of the Galaga variants reserved for European customers. Orders for both will open on March 2, 2018 from Spacelab9’s website.

Namco Arcade - Cover + Booklet Namco Arcade - Vinyl

Namco Arcade - Pac-Man Variant Namco Arcade - Galaga Variant