Black Knight: Sword Of Rage (Music From The Original Pinball Soundtrack)

Nuclear Blast and Stern Pinball have collaborated to release the soundtrack to the Black Knight: Sword Of Rage pinball machine on vinyl.

The release is a single 45RPM LP. It is housed in regular LP jacket with game art.

This is the repress from November 29, 2019 on “fire” orange colored vinyl, which is limited to 200 copies.

Black Knight: Sword Of Rage (Music From The Original Pinball Soundtrack)

Nuclear Blast and Stern Pinball have collaborated to release the soundtrack to the Black Knight: Sword Of Rage pinball machine on vinyl.

The release is a single 45RPM LP. It is housed in regular LP jacket with game art.

It was released for San Diege Comic-Con 2019 on July 17, 2019.

This is the original SDCC release on “baby” blue vinyl, which is limited to 100 copies.