Tag Archives: mike luckas

Ship To Shore PhonoCo. ready with Power Stone vinyl preorders

As teased recently Ship To Shore PhonoCo. are releasing the soundtrack to Capcom’s 3D fighting game Power Stone on vinyl – and now preorders are live.

The release will be a single LP available in two variants – a hazy red colored vinyl (Ship To Shore exclusive), and a clear vinyl variant. It will be housed in a single pocket jacket with new artwork by Mike Luckas and will include liner notes by Anthony John Agnello.

It is priced at $27 and is scheduled to release in Q1 2022. It can be preordered from Ship To Shore PhonoCo. here (although sold out as of this post).

EU folks can also preorder from Black Screen Records here,, and Canadians from Very Ok Vinyl here.

Power Stone - Front, Red Vinyl
Power Stone - Front, Clear Vinyl

Crawlco Block Knockers vinyl preorders now up from Ship To Shore

Ship To Shore PhonoCo. are releasing the soundtrack to lewd puzzle game Crawlco Block Knockers on vinyl.

The release will be a single LP on green colored vinyl. It will be housed in a die-cut single-pocket jacket with new artwork by Mike Luckas.

It is priced at $25 and is scheduled to release in Q3 2021. It can be preordered from Ship To Shore PhonoCo. here.

Crawlco Block Knockers - Front

Angry Video Game Nerd 1&2 Deluxe vinyl soundtrack up for preorder via Ship To Shore

Ship To Shore have just opened vinyl preorders for the soundtrack to the re-release of action platformers Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures 1 and 2.

The release will be a 3LP available in two variants – a variant on white, white with brown splatter and brown colored vinyl, which is exclusive to Ship To Shore, and a clear vinyl retail variant.
It will be housed in a triple gatefold jacket with new artwork by Mike Luckas.

It is priced at $40 and is scheduled to release in December, 2020. It can be preordered from Ship To Shore PhonoCo. here.

European customers can also preorder the retail edition from Black Screen Records here.

The Angry Video Game Nerd 1&2 Deluxe - Front
The Angry Video Game Nerd 1&2 Deluxe - Gatefold

Wai Wai World 1+2 now available to order from Ship To Shore

Originally announced more than 2 years ago there are now details and orders up for Ship To Shore’s vinyl release of the soundtracks to Konami Wai Wai World and Konami Wai Wai World 2: SOS!! Parsley Castle.

The soundtrack to both games are essentially Konami 8-Bit greatest hits as it features numerous themes from a large variety of Konami games arranged for the Wai Wai World Famicom games.

The release is a 2LP and will be housed in a gatefold jacket with brand new artwork by Mike Luckas and liner notes by Anthony John Agnello. It will be available on yellow colored vinyl directly from Ship To Shore while Black Screen Records will be getting an exclusive yellow & clear split with red splatter vinyl.

It is priced at $35 (€40 from Black Screen) and is scheduled to release in early July, 2020. It can be preordered from Ship To Shore PhonoCo.’s store here and from Black Screen Record here.

Wai Wai World - Front + Vinyl STS
Wai Wai World - Front + Vinyl BSR